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Spring and Cherry blossom

With the arrival of "The Cherry Blossom" and mountains offer visitors the spectacle of one of the largest gardens in the world cultivated by man.
The mountain breeze carries the unmistakable smell of spring in the region, which envelops everything, and the sunshine is reflected in the immaculate white of the fields.
Around this natural phenomenon the Festival of National Tourist Interest Cherry Blossom proposes hiking trails, biking gear, re-enactments and representations of life and customs of Jerte ...
A natural phenomenon as beautiful as unpredictable and fleeting that you should see with your own eyes at least once in life.

Descarga programa Fiesta del Cerezo en Flor

Birdwatching in the Jerte Valley

In the Region of Jerte Valley there is a great variety of birds, with which lovers of this form of tourism, will enjoy to the maximum.
There are companies specialized in guiding them to the most spectacular sites, from where you can observe the large list of species of birds that inhabit the Valley of Jerte.

Folleto de Observación de Aves


Ctra N-110 Km 375.8

10613 NAVACONCEJO - CÁCERES - Extremadura Spain


Teléfono. +34 927173006 


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Río Jerte

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